Wednesday 6 July 2011

Task 4

WindRush notes

Part 1

The  Britain of 50 yrs ago was a very different place, in 1948 it was still counting the costs in the victory of world war 2. 

It was a country which was almost exclusively white.

Half-million West indies immigrated to Britain

Rascally discriminated 

The West Indians were brought up to believe that Britain was there mother country.

The West Indians were proud to fight for the British in World War 2.

Part 2

250 Trinidad soldiers alone and 52 were killed during the war.

West Indians became especially popular as musicians and singers.

With the war ended the attitude from the British towards the West Indians changed abruptly

When soldiers returned to the West Indies were shocked how it had changed

Common wealth citizen could not be turned away from Britain

Part 3

The West Indians docked at Tilburry Harbour Essex June 21st 1948

When they arrived they felt lost and un certain
They settled were ever there was work such as the west midlands

The Conservative came up with a solution for getting Wind rush immigrants by gives them unwanted jobs

A second wave of Wind rush immigrant migraged to the  UK in the 50's, there were about a quarter of a million of them.

Part 4

When they arrived they were amazed

The thought it would be better than it was

‘Keep Britain white’

Had typical stereotypes

They wanted to go home

Part 5

Britain divide into black and whites

Room were available but not for black people

Accommodation was terrible

Part 6

Black people were scared of white people and carried around weapons to protect themselves

White people attack black people and called it black burring

Fights and riots happened

Part 7

They smashed window and  used petrol bombs
Mosley supported Hitler!

Would be attacked if you apposed him

Police were taking sides

Black people started to fight back

They killed a black men for no reason at all 

Part  8

White people thought violence had to stop
They accused mosley for the killing

People turned against mosley

West Indians started to feel better

Blues were introduced ‘blues party’

Ska music became popular

Part 9

Caribbean music became popular in the night club scene

White women became attracted to black men 

Christine Kealer was shot at by John Edgecome

Part 10

They started to put down permanent roots

Martin Luther king become popular

Black people weren’t aloud on buses

A year and a half to introduce a race law

Malcolm x and Michael x 

Part 11

Michael x went to prison for 11 months for saying if you see a black man with a white women kill him

Michael x went missing which he later turned up in Trinidad

Part  12

Powell made up lies and was sacked

Tories were split because of immigration

Petitions were signed day in and day out

Black family were scared to go outside after Powell’s speech
the country became split

Part 13

Fire started killing 13 black children

Resistance to black people was growing

They wouldn’t put up with racism

Conflict between black youth and the police

Police raided one restaurant 5 times for nothing

Part 14

Police used to beat black kids with no reason to

Police had stupid excuses for searches and arrests

Blacks were arrested 50 times more than white people 

Part 15

Riots happened against police

Bob Marley music offered salvation

Red gold and green

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